Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Topsy Turvy

Left to Right
White Rabbit-costume
Alisa-normal attire
Shyar-normal attire

The Mad Hatter
White Rabbit Studies. Costume development and normal attire.
Final Promo poster for Topsy Turvy Premiers Sept. 1 2010 at Clockworkisland.com link to the left. Jewelry line will be available at the online store.

Things I forgot to post

My old blog had so many glitches when I switched over and made this one, by importing exporting method sadly alot was lost. Which was painful to repost.
SO I am going to post them now.

In other news Space Cat, Moon Cat, and Zef'r toys are in the making as we speak. Once the first stage is finished I will post the pictures on the online store. For the first month, of July in Celebration of the Grand opening of my Studio-Store, I will have a pre-order Discount available. I already to my suprise received 24 messages about pre-ordering space cat toys. Which is amazing because there isnt even a picture yet. I also have had 10 requests to make my buisness logo into t-shirts, vinyl bumper decals, and stickers. I was amazed that the logo was that catching. I am thrilled to see it also seems to be something both men and women equally enjoy. So props to me for that! It was a consern. I'm glad people want the logo for those reasons, I still feel bad that it seems like shameless self promotion but hey...it was requested. So that too will be added to the online store. RESTOCKING is almost done *i know it seems like forever* I have had an abundance of stuff done, and could easily post them, However I decided to do an overhaul and post them all at once. One of my art idols Claire Belton, her link titled "cute plush" is at the bottom of my page. She actually took an interested in my stuff and wants to buy something I was VERY honored. She also has been helping me in this mass production and I owe her a HUGE debt of gratitude. So on with the "new" posts that are techniqually OLD!

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.