Sunday, February 27, 2011

Works in Progress

East Meets West: November 7, 2010

I had a pencil sketch designs of what I was considering for an autobiographical webcomic, still unsure if I should do an autobiographical web comic, seems like that's what everyone does and I dont want it to be a cop out. Anyway heres a Self Portrait for said comic "The Quest" this is not the original its a quick copy and color job I did that I stuck inside my Sketch Book Project as filler. Drawn November 2010, copied/colored Feb. 2011

"demons of the past" self portrait sketch, pretty sure all artist know what its like to over think and have bouts of sever depression. I am currently on "mental health vaca" and just trying to relax and regroup myself. So far so good n_n
Feb.23 2011

Playing with Deviant Art Muro for the first time, last minute Valentine's day doodle.
done shortly before midnight on valentines day.

Work in progress piece for World Wild Life Foundation, title "Dont go" one of my favorite projects right now, as with east meets west, I am fighting with myself on how i want the background, foreground, middle ground and characters to be handled, interact or what style in which to make it be cohesive, i am battling with comfort zone and trying to challenge myself, so I think once I finish east meets west background I most likely will finish this. Since it is my favorite currently I know I will handle it to precious, I know its best for me to just move on to a different piece until that gets out of my system and I have a new favorite so I can always go back. I have thousands of pencil sketches I fear inking because it looses its magic. I will do a mass post of those soon, I simply can't let them be unseen just because they are not colored. I know on deviant art, only colored work, or finished work gets noticed but I figure a blog is different.

Moving to wordpress
Sadly still under construction, so I am going to keep using my blogger till its up. sigh :c

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