Saturday, May 14, 2011


After a typical twitter banter with friends, THIS was created. The rarest and most elusive of the mythical creatures the UNI-SQUACH. it is exactly what it looks and sounds like. Since it is so majestic, clearly only Charlie Sheen would know this creature personally and maybe intimately if he was drunk enough. So five second crappy doodle. My friend made it his FB pic, I am surprised it has not broken FB or been reported as abuse

Finally getting a chance to update again!

So the site took a rediculous amount of time that was extremely unnessicary. My friend worked on it and had one obstical after another. This has been going on since Oct 2010. needless to say it was exhausting. Now that its basically set up, I can take over and add to the LONG awaited online store. I also am currently doing more work that is geared towards the portfolio side of things for the gallery on there. I have had some horrible ups and downs since my trip to the philippines which resulted in having medicine interaction causing HORRIBLE demncia, seizures and intense psychosis. My neurologist who is also a family friend said I am extremely fortunate I came back to the states when I did and it could have been a lot worse. Unfortunately, other then him the other doctors around here decided to drug me more which cause my already slow healing brain to become slower and feel sedated. I can't express how awful these last few months have been and how scary it has been for me. I normally am so fast paced and can do a million things at once, I feel worthless if I dont have at least 20 plates spinning in the air. Well this certainly knocked all my plates down and set me back so much. I am just now starting to pick back up speed and for a fast person it is terrifying to have had these shackles on for so long and now try to get back to the speed in which I am used to. The demons of the past sketch on here in an earlier post was a bit how I was feeling. All these shrinks kept wanting me to dwell on stuff that didnt bother me until they poked and dug it up and would'nt let it go. Talk about draining money out of someone or trying to make someone worse then they were. I am feeling a lot better having been away from the shrinks, and only listening to our family friend doctor. It helps if your friends cuz they would not hurt you for profit like I feel most doctors do.
I am considering taking a web design class so I won't have to rely on someone else EVER again to do a site set up for me. This was a giant set back in and of itself.

I am currently trying to push myself and force my comfort zone YET AGAIN, I may not master one thing and rock it, which I guess is a curse. But I like to keep things fresh WHILE still doing the things I am comfortable in on the side. That way that never drys up but I can still keep learning new things and hopefully get better and that things will cross over or become one in time or so I am told by the pro artists I admire.

So here are just some...sketchy random crap things to hold the blog post over till I start adding to my portfolio, store and everything else that may come up.

I still have a bunch of sketches and sketch cards I have colored and others not. I have hundreds of pages FULL of sketches, books and folders loaded to the brim. I am never certain if sketches are something anyone likes to see. It seems no one likes them unless they are fan art, or unless they are colored. At least that is what deviant art has told me. Which is probably a BAD thing to base that on. Well now that my site and blog are separate I can just turn this into a sketch blog and then everything is covered.

old rocko sketch card from nycc. The rest is on my comp mocking me.

I watched The Secret of Kells and drew this.
Rango! was magical. I love good westerns. I am currently reading Iron West. That artist is a genious and it has 2 things I love in awesome fusion, western+robots. Anyway, I loved RattleSnake Jake in Rango, and countrary to what my friend colin said, I would NOT have wanted him in the movie MORE only because then he probably would have been less mysterious and brooding, or he would have been over done. Plus it was clear he did his own thing or did things only for personal gain, and that the other dudes were the cause of the problems. I am not gonna go into to much cuz spoilers >_> tho I knew where they were going with it, it was more of how are they gonna solve it. So this is my Humanized version of Jake. I drew him with his bamf gattling gun in another sketch somewhere. and YES its a gattling gun NOT a revolver >:[

Doodle page, Anyone who knows me and my pets knows I do kind of treat them like rag dolls. I am Elmyra Duff from Tiny Toons, its sad but true. Plus this is the first sketch I did of my modified Blue Spirit Costume I have been working on. @3@

More Blue Spirit Mod sketches.

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.