Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Early 20th Century Animation-Toy Collection

Anyway to hold you over for now. I will show you my latest toy collection!
I have always been inspired by Walt Disney's life story. It is very inspiring, how many times he went bankrupt and ups and downs the whole way...before making a HUGE enterprise and revolutionizing animation today. I keep collecting Oswald the lucky rabbit to have around me in my room and studio as a reminder for when I am down. Oswald was one of Disneys first real animated creations, though he did not make it and is not famous like his brother mickey...he gives me hope because it helps me realize the first one may NOT be the success you wanted it to be and to just keep going on like in meet the robinsons keep moving forward.

After my charms sold, I split the money, half to make a second 300 hundred charms, and the OTHER half to spoil myself with my collection.
SO along with my love of oswalds classic era look, and my love of creepy circus as well as cirque de soile stuff...I found THESE magical guys

Trying To unwind.

Getting ready for Boston Comic Con this weekend. I got a little nerv racked today after lack of sleep, So I took this nice weather and did some theraputic gardening. I repotted my indoor plants and let them soak up the sun. Last year the contractors and the dogs killed all of my herbs. So I replanted some on the deck. I have a lovely blooming Hyacenth from my mom, a Aloe Vera plant and Cleois and spider plant from my friend sam, and a philodendrian from my friend mary. I recently got Thyme, English lavender and sweet basil for my spice garden. My mom also asked me to plant some dill and chives. Which is fine I love the smell of fresh herbs and Greenery. In other news I am moving into my Studio April 12 the day after the convention. I am soooo excited. I will post a video tour of it. Its off to michigain for some family bonding with my grandparents, aunts uncles, cousins 1st and second and so on. I have to say...working out of home SUCKS. I constantly get interupted and have my stuff RUINED. most of my projects dont get enough focus or attention I would love to give them for this reason. So knowing I have my own studio is amazing. It is offical that I will be going to Conneticon and New York Comic con as well. I just need a dealers licenese for Conneticutt.
I would have posted the t-shirts sooner however I have been waiting for my heat press to arrive. Ugh. Murphys law. if it could go wrong it will go wrong. Just like me selling out ALL of my cell phone charms down in Florida b4 i could show them at BCC. Oh well, selling them at all is wonderful. They sold like hot cakes too. So I am very proud of that. I am just kicking myself I didnt document them. I have LOTS of photos coming to this site. I SWEAR.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's day-no joke

I dont know why I have been having SOOOO many glitches with my blog. Its really getting on my last nerve. I tried to contact blogger for help but,,,i have not gotton a response yet.

IN other news. I am offically going to Conneticon this July and New York Comic Con in Oct. as for today, doing a bunch of screen printing =_= ugh. BUT it will be worth it in the end so I can start my Online store...providing Blogger doesnt find a glitch in THAT too. It would be my luck.
But yah im not joking conneticon, nycc and screen printing all real.

Deviant art's icon prank is definately gross. Im just glad I didnt get a twillight themed icon. Spew.

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.