Monday, August 31, 2009


I went to San Diego Comic Con 2009
it was a blast, when I first Arrived I was given this as my RIDE 2010 ford mustang!

Everyone else's shot from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

MY SHOT! How sick is THAT!? Johnny Depp and Tim Burton at the showing of his new Alice in wonderland movie

Peter Jackson and James Cameron

Roman Dirge creator of Lenor comic, hes hamming it up
Jhonan Vasquez creator of Invader Zim, squee, JTHM, and I feel sick, he looks like a frightened squirrel child.

C.H. Greenblatt creator of Chowder

Pendleton Ward creator of Adventure time, Thurop Orman creator of Flapjack, C.H. Greenblatt creator of Chowder. You need to have glasses and a bread or after five shadow to be cool!

Jim lee at DC panel, hes a famous DC illustrator!

Jim Lee smiling cute for the camera.

Jim Lee's google
I should have bought this shirt, but at the risk of 12 yr old girls and ignorant women attacking me. whatever happened to good literature? is this really what passes as entertainment these days?

Eger young batboy is greated by batman!
I loved the costumes I dont care how bad the news made everyone out to be. XD

Me and Thurop Orman creator of flapjack! PIMP!
The amazing drawing of Flapjack he did for me!
Colin, Pendleton Ward creator of Adventure time soon to be on cartoon network fall 2010 and me!
I had no Idea what they were doing in this last shot...its like a family photo gone TERRIBLY WRONG. Or...terribly right. im not sure.

The amazing drawing HE did for me. I just wish it had a tiny city below, and flames out of Finns mouth to make it extra special. XD

Heres Adventure time if you Dont already know how amazing it is

Soon I will be posting the Custome Made Converse I did for Gerard Way's Umbrella Acadamy, they are signed by him and Gabrial Ba, and will be on their website soon :D


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.