Monday, March 15, 2010

On Vacation!

Hey all,

Im currently on vacation in Florida. A nice family trip with my parents to see my brothers and their families. It will be a 2 week long vaca. How sweet is that. Sunny Florida is better then the chill cold of New England. It is also a nice break from all the work I was doing. This 2 week stretch should give my neck, and carple tunnel a nice time to recoop b4 the BIG blow out when I get back. Once I get back. I will have 2 weeks left to get everything finalized for the Cons. I will have ALL of my products finished, and I will finally have the online store up and running. All the products for sale will be on the online store before I go off to the Conventions. So you can get your products online or directly at the convention. I will be taking commissions on site and selling Comic Con exclusive sketch cards. Any sketch cards that are not sold at the con can be found online. Tho sketch cards typically sell like hot cakes. I was starting to get sluggish and a bit sloppy the last few days before the trip. I stopped working, because I would rather rest up, and do the work later at a better quality. Its not quantity...its the quality. So after I get back, I know I will be JAZZED up and Refreshed and READY FOR MORE! So very excited. Today its OFF to see brother Jimmy and sister in law Debbie and all the pups. Later see Brother Joel and lil neice Delaney. Then Brother Brian sister in law Lisa and 2 nephews Blake and Braden, and lil neice Rylee. Possibly sneek in a little Disney World in while were here. I heard talk of seeing Cirque De Soliel and going on some horse trail rides, and boating. I'm very greatful to have had this oppertunity. LATER!!! n_n


kt_kthx said...

Nice, enjoy your time and vacation! Lucky you!

M.C. Walker said...

Awww thank you kt! I will so far im having a blast! and yah it is super lucky. I think the last vaca I took was july 23! so it feels ammmmaaazzzzzing. not even gonna lie. I hope your spring break is off the hizzy.

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