Saturday, March 6, 2010

Free Ride Games

On :iconsocialzzzombie:'s page, they posted their entry for this companies logo design contest. You can vote for my Design at

I would greatly appreciate any votes going in.
Feel free to submit one yourself, and to check out Free Ride Games [link]

I have to say I drew COMPLETE inspiration from these two. I have been very RIGID in my characters lately, they are very stiff and I am trying to break that up. These 2 both have a very organic fun style. I highly recommend everyone check them out.
:iconthemrock: and :iconsibsy:

Honestly I dont care if I do or do not win this contest. I have alot going on getting ready for upcoming conventions and I have been just REALLY enjoying doing work lately. I love the new techniques and people I am meeting, Alot has been going on and its just wonderful.

click for larger view (please)


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.