Friday, October 22, 2010

Pictures from NYCC! Finally up.

Pictures from my booth at New York Comic Con 2010! yay!! Colin took ALOT of pictures for me cuz, well, i never get around to. I fail at documentation I KNOW.

Pile of Zeffer Toys with Coloring book and Crayons.
Topsy Turvy Falling Alice on the left, Lucky Bones Day of the Day Skulls on the Right
Nother shot of the booth
After all the Avatar the Last Airbender Badges sold out I put up my sketch cards and all 118 sold! I was SO proud. I'm never sure how well my style carries over or if people like it.
Everyone Said my Leela from futurama was adorable.
Zeffer taking a peak over the print and nation badges.
LOT of people took pictures of my stuff. thank god my shit has a copyright just in case. But for the most part i just took it as a compliment.
Zeffer and his coloring book. Pages from inside the Coloring book are posted here

Zeffer toys awaiting a new home.

More day of the dead skull necklaces, yellow it appears. I have the whole rainbow available.
Nother shot of the grid.
There was a PILE of bows everytime I set them down they were SOLD. So more bows on the way via online store YAY!

Nothing better then kids playing with the toys.
This is me fawning over how cute a little girl looks snuggling a Space Cat.

I am making a really stupid face in this picture, but I had to post it that little girl was adorable, she commissioned some sketch cards and could hardly wait for them to be done. Made me feel special.
Apparently I am wide eyed in this. Oh well you can see the coloring books in this and a work in progress commission.
And here I am working on a commission go me! look u can see my fancy business cards that everyone thinks are purdy!

Two of the bestest Space Cat fans in the world! Awesome girls. Wish I had nabbed a Pic of them in their costumes the day before. They were Catwomen and Ramona Flowers.


Anonymous said...

It takes me a week to found my small [url=]website[/url] . It looks immoral and hard up so i need your advice to amend it. Righteous delivery your plan here. Thanks a lot.

Josh 'Hat' Lieberman said...

So I just happened to stumble upon your blog and saw that I was listed under your 'Cool people' side bar. I was so excited when I saw that. It made my day!

Love your stuff.

You're awesome.

M.C. Walker said...

Aww Josh I'm so happy that made your day. Your work is awesome I admire you a lot, your so talented and so young and out there. I hope to be more like you some day :D
So it means a great deal to hear such wonderful feedback. Thanks so much.

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.