Monday, October 18, 2010

Under Heavy Construction

My site will be under heavy construction for a while now. My dear friend Colin has offered to help me jazz up my website. I am currently trying to restock allot of items that sold completely out at the last convention. I know people are really dying for Avatar the last airbender badges, but you all must understand NOTHING at my booth or store is manufactured, they are all hand made by ME. So the badges are painted, sealed, measured, cut, molded, then cast in resin which takes about 6-10 hours to dry. I am currently waiting for a LARGE supply or resin this week to get cracking on those. The t-shirts same deal, they are being screen printed as you read this. So everything AND allot more will be on the online store. Sorry for this delay, but I never know what to expect when it comes to sales. So everything plus ALOOOOT more will be posted at the online store, but be patient the site is going to go threw some...changes and new set up. So please bare with me. I am so very sorry for the inconvenience. Trust me, I love any and all costumers and value all your input and your interest. So the last thing I want to do is turn people away. To make up for allot of this, I am doing a free Key chain, with every order, there will be 12 key chains to choose from. So that is something to look forward to right? Here's hoping.


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.