Saturday, October 9, 2010

New York Comic Con

HEY all, just reminding everyone, especially some of the awesome people I met at my booth today, that since I am at the con, I pretty much just shut down my site temporarily so that I don't have to worry about quantity issues with my online store. I don't like jilting anyone. So if you saw something to day that you wanted and it sold out when you came back, ALL products and MUCH more not shown at the con will all be available on here. Super easy, and I have great shipping deals. Also if there is something you saw that you liked but would like it better in a different color or size, guess what NOT a problem just send me a message and I customize for you. I'm very loyal to the people who have made alot of the production possible. Space Cat will thank you all when his little face makes it to the big screen. I always want to give back as much as I can as gratitude for getting the little guy so far.

Also if you enjoyed the Avatar the Last Airbender badges, which I know sadly I am completely sold out of, I will restock them this week and they should be available at the online store by next weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So Thank you all again. By next week the site will be back running normally, and I have a few awesome people I met at the con, that I need to share with you all on here. Some really great people. I have to say, it is ALWAYS such a pleasure to network and be face to face with the buyers. I love the online store, don't get me wrong, but your reactions and comments are all so wonderful and encouraging.

P.S. Feel free to ask anything on here, I do usually respond same day. No limits, I do lots of commissions of all sorts so don't hold back guys. cuz if its not something I personally know how to do or make, I guarantee I know JUST the person for it.

Later guys See you tomorrow! I always save the Con exclusives as Sunday Specials!
see you then!


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.