Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chicago Comic Con Wizard World 2010!

Pictures leading up the Chicago Trip.

Dani, Franky, and I amongst a pile Lucky Bones Necklaces and Charms
Brendan working on World of Warcraft portraits.Franky disapproves of jewelry getting his attention.

More Lucky Bones necklaces and charms. Purple sold out.
Space Cat and Moon Cat necklaces.
The Envoy packed to the rafters with crap. Poor Brendan with his magical Space Pod adventure of death. Alot of the other states we passed were at night so we didnt get all the signs -_- oh well. you get the idea.Chicago skyline and Sears tower.

In order Left to Righy, My associates: Brendan Croasdale, Dani Lee Evans, soon to be Mrs. Croasdale, and Myself-el presidente!Another angle of the Booth. Some dude not buying our stuff. lawl.
Jewelry rack: Luck Bones Necklaces, Topsy Turvy Necklaces, Space Cat and Moon Cat Necklaces.
Dani's Bunnehs. Pokemon sketch cards.
An assortment of Stickers in the white boxes ahead, of both of our characters!

A wall of Dani's Hot Cross Bunnies *with the x's* and Bunnehs.
My Space Cat fish balloon water bottles.Her Bunnies are available on her Etsy. Her link is to the right of my page under Illustrators in arms.
Me working...kinda. not really.
Dani snuggling one of her Bunnehs.

SPIRTUS SANTUS DOMINUS BUUNNNEEEH! Bunneh with warcraft mallet gonna fuck u up.My favorite Hot Cross Bunny. Dont worry he went to a good home.

Brendan pulling a Prince of Persia with my broadsword.


Before I bought the hat, everyone thought I was in costume. I finally gave up and put "I'm Hannah Solo, bitch!" on my jacket. It got even more attention for some reason. I have no idea.
BUT the money I off this con bought that hat, 2 broadswords, 5 comic books, this month's rent, groceries, and supplies for more Lucky Bones purple necklaces.


Of course, Cosplayers. Would'nt be a con without them. From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bebop, Spedready *as I call him, and the fly dude, whos name I cant remember.
We heard loud booming steps, and ran over knowing it had to be epic. It was Iron Man and War Machine. It was indeed epic.
Dani modeling her Cyber Goth goggles. We both apparently have a head gear thing.

And of course I donated money to the Team Fox foundation for Parkinson's.
I put my money in the Flux Capacitor. You can see how I'm thrilled!
Back to the Future movie poster pose. hells yah Hover board!!!!

YES hover board again. The only way it could have been better is if Micheal J. Fox was there.
Check out my Flux Capacitor button, it flashes.
The picture I got for my donation. @3@ sitting in a Dalorean for a good cause? Tell me why I WOULD'NT do it. I ask you? Cuz I would look nerdy? Oh we have passed that Looooong ago.


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.