Thursday, September 2, 2010

Convention List.

In order of when they are or were. 3 down 2 to go!
Up next Montreal Comic Con. It is Sept. 11-12, 2010. I don't know my booth number yet but once I do I will post it on here. Same goes for New York. I am really hoping to get my toys back in time for Montreal and I know they will be here for New York.
I have still been having issues with my t-shirt printer but hopefully that will soon be resolved.
One of the best parts about having my friends with me in Chicago was I actually got alot of pictures. Normally its just me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I never have the time to take the pictures. Which is a real shit deal. I am going to politely ask people to help me take pics in Montreal. So I'm in shots. Since so many none believers are out there saying I am not going to these cons. Which is a really weird accusation. What could I possibly have to gain in lying about that? Anyway the good thing about the cons is its advertising. I do need to get out there more as an artist and I have met some kick ass people along the way. New York Comic Con is in Oct 8-10. I am hoping I will have enough time between Montreal on then to Restock everything for that convention. I am sure I will be fine. The only other thing I hate about doing all these cons is that I wanted to open my online store ALONG time ago. And it has been pushed back again and again. :C *sadness*


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.