Saturday, May 14, 2011


After a typical twitter banter with friends, THIS was created. The rarest and most elusive of the mythical creatures the UNI-SQUACH. it is exactly what it looks and sounds like. Since it is so majestic, clearly only Charlie Sheen would know this creature personally and maybe intimately if he was drunk enough. So five second crappy doodle. My friend made it his FB pic, I am surprised it has not broken FB or been reported as abuse

Finally getting a chance to update again!

So the site took a rediculous amount of time that was extremely unnessicary. My friend worked on it and had one obstical after another. This has been going on since Oct 2010. needless to say it was exhausting. Now that its basically set up, I can take over and add to the LONG awaited online store. I also am currently doing more work that is geared towards the portfolio side of things for the gallery on there. I have had some horrible ups and downs since my trip to the philippines which resulted in having medicine interaction causing HORRIBLE demncia, seizures and intense psychosis. My neurologist who is also a family friend said I am extremely fortunate I came back to the states when I did and it could have been a lot worse. Unfortunately, other then him the other doctors around here decided to drug me more which cause my already slow healing brain to become slower and feel sedated. I can't express how awful these last few months have been and how scary it has been for me. I normally am so fast paced and can do a million things at once, I feel worthless if I dont have at least 20 plates spinning in the air. Well this certainly knocked all my plates down and set me back so much. I am just now starting to pick back up speed and for a fast person it is terrifying to have had these shackles on for so long and now try to get back to the speed in which I am used to. The demons of the past sketch on here in an earlier post was a bit how I was feeling. All these shrinks kept wanting me to dwell on stuff that didnt bother me until they poked and dug it up and would'nt let it go. Talk about draining money out of someone or trying to make someone worse then they were. I am feeling a lot better having been away from the shrinks, and only listening to our family friend doctor. It helps if your friends cuz they would not hurt you for profit like I feel most doctors do.
I am considering taking a web design class so I won't have to rely on someone else EVER again to do a site set up for me. This was a giant set back in and of itself.

I am currently trying to push myself and force my comfort zone YET AGAIN, I may not master one thing and rock it, which I guess is a curse. But I like to keep things fresh WHILE still doing the things I am comfortable in on the side. That way that never drys up but I can still keep learning new things and hopefully get better and that things will cross over or become one in time or so I am told by the pro artists I admire.

So here are just some...sketchy random crap things to hold the blog post over till I start adding to my portfolio, store and everything else that may come up.

I still have a bunch of sketches and sketch cards I have colored and others not. I have hundreds of pages FULL of sketches, books and folders loaded to the brim. I am never certain if sketches are something anyone likes to see. It seems no one likes them unless they are fan art, or unless they are colored. At least that is what deviant art has told me. Which is probably a BAD thing to base that on. Well now that my site and blog are separate I can just turn this into a sketch blog and then everything is covered.

old rocko sketch card from nycc. The rest is on my comp mocking me.

I watched The Secret of Kells and drew this.
Rango! was magical. I love good westerns. I am currently reading Iron West. That artist is a genious and it has 2 things I love in awesome fusion, western+robots. Anyway, I loved RattleSnake Jake in Rango, and countrary to what my friend colin said, I would NOT have wanted him in the movie MORE only because then he probably would have been less mysterious and brooding, or he would have been over done. Plus it was clear he did his own thing or did things only for personal gain, and that the other dudes were the cause of the problems. I am not gonna go into to much cuz spoilers >_> tho I knew where they were going with it, it was more of how are they gonna solve it. So this is my Humanized version of Jake. I drew him with his bamf gattling gun in another sketch somewhere. and YES its a gattling gun NOT a revolver >:[

Doodle page, Anyone who knows me and my pets knows I do kind of treat them like rag dolls. I am Elmyra Duff from Tiny Toons, its sad but true. Plus this is the first sketch I did of my modified Blue Spirit Costume I have been working on. @3@

More Blue Spirit Mod sketches.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Works in Progress

East Meets West: November 7, 2010

I had a pencil sketch designs of what I was considering for an autobiographical webcomic, still unsure if I should do an autobiographical web comic, seems like that's what everyone does and I dont want it to be a cop out. Anyway heres a Self Portrait for said comic "The Quest" this is not the original its a quick copy and color job I did that I stuck inside my Sketch Book Project as filler. Drawn November 2010, copied/colored Feb. 2011

"demons of the past" self portrait sketch, pretty sure all artist know what its like to over think and have bouts of sever depression. I am currently on "mental health vaca" and just trying to relax and regroup myself. So far so good n_n
Feb.23 2011

Playing with Deviant Art Muro for the first time, last minute Valentine's day doodle.
done shortly before midnight on valentines day.

Work in progress piece for World Wild Life Foundation, title "Dont go" one of my favorite projects right now, as with east meets west, I am fighting with myself on how i want the background, foreground, middle ground and characters to be handled, interact or what style in which to make it be cohesive, i am battling with comfort zone and trying to challenge myself, so I think once I finish east meets west background I most likely will finish this. Since it is my favorite currently I know I will handle it to precious, I know its best for me to just move on to a different piece until that gets out of my system and I have a new favorite so I can always go back. I have thousands of pencil sketches I fear inking because it looses its magic. I will do a mass post of those soon, I simply can't let them be unseen just because they are not colored. I know on deviant art, only colored work, or finished work gets noticed but I figure a blog is different.

Moving to wordpress
Sadly still under construction, so I am going to keep using my blogger till its up. sigh :c

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pictures from NYCC! Finally up.

Pictures from my booth at New York Comic Con 2010! yay!! Colin took ALOT of pictures for me cuz, well, i never get around to. I fail at documentation I KNOW.

Pile of Zeffer Toys with Coloring book and Crayons.
Topsy Turvy Falling Alice on the left, Lucky Bones Day of the Day Skulls on the Right
Nother shot of the booth
After all the Avatar the Last Airbender Badges sold out I put up my sketch cards and all 118 sold! I was SO proud. I'm never sure how well my style carries over or if people like it.
Everyone Said my Leela from futurama was adorable.
Zeffer taking a peak over the print and nation badges.
LOT of people took pictures of my stuff. thank god my shit has a copyright just in case. But for the most part i just took it as a compliment.
Zeffer and his coloring book. Pages from inside the Coloring book are posted here

Zeffer toys awaiting a new home.

More day of the dead skull necklaces, yellow it appears. I have the whole rainbow available.
Nother shot of the grid.
There was a PILE of bows everytime I set them down they were SOLD. So more bows on the way via online store YAY!

Nothing better then kids playing with the toys.
This is me fawning over how cute a little girl looks snuggling a Space Cat.

I am making a really stupid face in this picture, but I had to post it that little girl was adorable, she commissioned some sketch cards and could hardly wait for them to be done. Made me feel special.
Apparently I am wide eyed in this. Oh well you can see the coloring books in this and a work in progress commission.
And here I am working on a commission go me! look u can see my fancy business cards that everyone thinks are purdy!

Two of the bestest Space Cat fans in the world! Awesome girls. Wish I had nabbed a Pic of them in their costumes the day before. They were Catwomen and Ramona Flowers.


I can't finish working on my site, i cant post things, i can finish my commissions or do any digital work at all. My comp battery is fried thanks to the geek squad. I am anxiously awaiting its delivery in the mail. its driving me nuts. So I will have lots and lots to post if that bastard ever gets here T^T im miserable with out it there are so many illustrations I want to finish.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Under Heavy Construction

My site will be under heavy construction for a while now. My dear friend Colin has offered to help me jazz up my website. I am currently trying to restock allot of items that sold completely out at the last convention. I know people are really dying for Avatar the last airbender badges, but you all must understand NOTHING at my booth or store is manufactured, they are all hand made by ME. So the badges are painted, sealed, measured, cut, molded, then cast in resin which takes about 6-10 hours to dry. I am currently waiting for a LARGE supply or resin this week to get cracking on those. The t-shirts same deal, they are being screen printed as you read this. So everything AND allot more will be on the online store. Sorry for this delay, but I never know what to expect when it comes to sales. So everything plus ALOOOOT more will be posted at the online store, but be patient the site is going to go threw some...changes and new set up. So please bare with me. I am so very sorry for the inconvenience. Trust me, I love any and all costumers and value all your input and your interest. So the last thing I want to do is turn people away. To make up for allot of this, I am doing a free Key chain, with every order, there will be 12 key chains to choose from. So that is something to look forward to right? Here's hoping.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New York Comic Con

HEY all, just reminding everyone, especially some of the awesome people I met at my booth today, that since I am at the con, I pretty much just shut down my site temporarily so that I don't have to worry about quantity issues with my online store. I don't like jilting anyone. So if you saw something to day that you wanted and it sold out when you came back, ALL products and MUCH more not shown at the con will all be available on here. Super easy, and I have great shipping deals. Also if there is something you saw that you liked but would like it better in a different color or size, guess what NOT a problem just send me a message and I customize for you. I'm very loyal to the people who have made alot of the production possible. Space Cat will thank you all when his little face makes it to the big screen. I always want to give back as much as I can as gratitude for getting the little guy so far.

Also if you enjoyed the Avatar the Last Airbender badges, which I know sadly I am completely sold out of, I will restock them this week and they should be available at the online store by next weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So Thank you all again. By next week the site will be back running normally, and I have a few awesome people I met at the con, that I need to share with you all on here. Some really great people. I have to say, it is ALWAYS such a pleasure to network and be face to face with the buyers. I love the online store, don't get me wrong, but your reactions and comments are all so wonderful and encouraging.

P.S. Feel free to ask anything on here, I do usually respond same day. No limits, I do lots of commissions of all sorts so don't hold back guys. cuz if its not something I personally know how to do or make, I guarantee I know JUST the person for it.

Later guys See you tomorrow! I always save the Con exclusives as Sunday Specials!
see you then!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Trying something new

This is line art from a on sight commission I did at Connecti-Con. I finished the traditional coloring of this piece, and am working digitizing it. Its been a little hectic trying to work on it between all these conventions, work, and anything else that likes to get in the way. I decided I wanted to use a combination of Cell Style for the main characters and a more soft painterly style for the background so it looks more like a screen capture from a show.

Here is me toying around with soft painterly approach. I am having fun experimenting. So this just a very early start to a new piece I have been playing with to get a break from some of my other work or chores. If it is a successful approach to coloring and looks nice in the final product. I will probably continue to use it in all the rest of my work. I am still teaching myself digital coloring and I admit I safe in my safety zone far to much. But that is going to change.

Friday, September 3, 2010

YES! I know already

So ever since Scott Pilgrim vs. the world movie came out. I must have gotten at least a text a day, or wall post or whatever saying they saw the movie and Roxy Richter reminds them of me. Cesca called that I should cosplay as her in the future. Which wouldnt be hard, I would just dress normal. Mary said she flipped out in the theater stating that "MEGAN DOES IT BETTER" So she wins for the flattery on that one! She told me this AFTER she edited my facebook profile picture. I will share that with you just for the halibut.

I wore my hair like that in Chicago none the less. Its not the first time either. -_- stupid movie.
Well I should'nt be surprised as some Illustration kids were reading the book, or other nerd friends, they would say this character or that character reminded them of me. Apparently I should move to Canada with my own kind? Apparently its full of awesome XD
Well I am going to Canada next week for Montreal Comic Con. I can see first hand the coolness level of these kids. I have never had a bad time in Canada before. I have only been to Quebec, Montreal, Toranto and Ontario. I would really like to go to Vancover sometime. So far Quebec was my favorite...which was odd cuz the worst visit I have had to a country was France. French Canadians NOT EVEN close! Great people. So I'm pretty peachy keen on Montreal Comic Con. I hope that convention is actually more like Connecticon was. Lot of good people there.

Another addition that mary bestowed on me on FB was this lovely doodle of me as a ...gladiator?
Not sure what is going on with my weasel teeth. and yes, go-go boots are highly recommended for battle. No one should question a doodle, BUT she did turn my second broadsword into a machete. Which is awesome actually.
Thats what I get for taking a picture with ma' swords. I lurvs them The next few posts are gonna have alot of sword/costume design pics.
Franky <3's>
I wokes him. LOOK he has both his antanas...this is rare. probebly cuz I made his nightly curfew even earlier. Less night fights. Hes a BAMF

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.