Friday, May 14, 2010

3rd siting!

Its a good week! unfortunately after this week of awesome ME arts...i will be depressed when it ends. HAHA. here is the 3rd siting of art. by Colby Nelson. He drew me with my bloody stumps. Which is an inside joke of me explaining my work tools. All those who do jewelry and hand drawn animations know EXACTLY what Im talking about. Hell even complusive sketchers. Which reminds me I need to re-open my sketch blog. I ABUNDANCE of posts.
I love the Noodley Zaniness of his work.

Anyway thanks to Colby's awesome art. Im going to actually make the fanart/sitings section for my DA and my Facebook. I was just saying I was going to, but i was just going to post it as awesome friend art...I didnt wanna post it as fanart/sitings...cuz that seemed so self indulged...however I have noticed other artists doing its the lemming syndrome XD fallow the leader.
So HUGE thanks to Colby, Colin and Matt for the awesome work. My BFF mary was actuallyt the only person who ever drew me prior to this...and that was because we had made up adventures in la la land.


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.