Sunday, May 9, 2010

Extraordinary Suprise

Today was a very cold, dark windy mothers day. I went outside to bring in the rest of my plants. When I brought my Lavender plant in, I noticed what I thought was a leaf stuck in the drainage cup. I went to pull it out. To my surprise it was LUNA MOTH. Which has become more and more endangered these last few years. I laid it out on a paper towel next to my plant in the kitchen. I wanted to take pictures of it, but my camera was at the Studio. later, it started to move! I swore it was dead. its large lime green wings started to slowly twitch and later flap. I put it in a very large jar. Here it is in the large jar...starting to flap.
I took it to my studio, So I could take some pictures of it before I released it. I wanted to release it, however the WIND is so horrible and it is so cold, that when I tried to the poor thing couldnt get any loft, it kept being smacked against trees. I went after it as it tried its might on the grass to get up, it crawled calmly onto my hand...without any fear...I put my hand with the Luna Moth back into its jar. It is currently under my Studio desk in the dark, until, the weather gets better and it is night fall. I am so worried about it. I don't want it to die. But the weather is not luna moth friendly right now. So I am putting many greens down, keeping it in a good darker place until, it is safe to release it at night.

It was harder to photograph once it really started to come back to life. So I took a video of it.

I guess you really cant spell MOTHER with out MOTH? huh.
they also say Luna moths are a symbol of spiritual transformation. Maybe thats a good sign when opening a new business and starting new artistic ventures.


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.