Saturday, May 8, 2010

Original Character Trade w/ Matt

Here are my friend Matt's OC's

you can view all their character stats on his Deviant Art Account: Or specifically here:
He attended Anime Boston this year which I was originally going to attend with him but backed out of later. my b. Here is his webcomic account:

Here is my adaptation of Indika left and Ayla right
He recently uploaded this pic which was his x-mas gift. later he said he will post my OC's he wants to try something new with them.
He not only added my beloved dog Reny, My old rescue man cat Franky but the newest member of my pet family DUSTBUNNEH! a very very tiny Russian Dwarf Hamster. She is so small she can fit inside a bottle cap...comfortably!
She is now the official STUDIO hamster! and yes...I later realized I have inadvertanly created the movie BOLT by having a german shepard, a black and white alley cat, and now a ham ham.
My nephew Blake who loves bolt...should be thrilled!


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.