Saturday, May 8, 2010


Ok everyone the latest and greatest HAS arrived.
I want to first set the record straight by saying YES I did have an art booth at Boston Comic Con this year HOWEVER the confusion was that I was planning on attending Anime Boston as well but due to coming back late from visiting family in Florida I was unable to. Believe me I feel bad about it. I do have GREAT news I recently got my Sales License and will be attending Conneticon AND *drum roll please* NEW YORK COMIC CON! YEEE
I have an art booth at both and will be selling MANY fabulous items. Also in good news, the online store FINALLY will be going up in the next few weeks! I will be posting pictures of the new STUDIO as well as a VLOG tour! the studio will be open to the public THIS MONTH! Almost all the inventory is RESTOCKED and I am fancy packaging them up now. I will post all products available on the online store. I also will be selling some new products that were not at Boston Comic Con. Such as, new jewelry designs, LUNCH BOXES, and TOYS space cat, moon cat and zefr are all being made into resin and plush figures that will be sold! I also am currently making several sculpty figures that will be going into the gallery. HEAVY and VERY OVER DUE PICTURE POSTING THIS WEEK!

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mothers out there and to all the people that are motherly figures to someone. You all know how special you are. Since I have been lacking in the photo posts late I will be sure to post many doodles and sketches and another Art Trade to make up for it until the rest is completely ready.
I would post them NOW but its 3am. and I should be getting I cant get up at a good hour to make my moms special mothers day dinner. its a slow cooker
Also my very fancy animators desk and story boards will be going up this everyone can finally see the studio! and so much more. im glad it FINALLY has come together. up till now it seems like all i have been is alotta talk. :D


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.