Sunday, February 28, 2010

Foto-Booth Folly

i was thinking of submitting this to Frederator blog for Adventure Time fan art. I want to get some more feedback first and look at it again in the next day or so to see if there are any improvements or anything I cant make to it. I want to make sure I dont rush it. I had alot of fun with these characters. Its going to be a great show. I know it. I've watched the pilot episode more times then I care to admit over the internet. And I did have the pleasure of meeting Pen Ward he is one fun guy.
can also be found here

Saturday, February 27, 2010

sketch blog?

I want to appologize for my sketch blog, I have'nt really treated it with alot of care. I have just been posting sketches that were on my computer from a LONG time ago. I've been concentrating more on my product designs and Convention work, as well as some contest entries. I am also not really enjoying the colored sketches in the sketch blog personally. The sketch blog is really just to keep me from getting rusty, and to post sketches, doodles, or anything I dont plan to take further or will address later on. I colored my posts so far. But I dont really like the way they have been coming out. So I believe from now on it will just be my normal sketchbook sketchs which are yes, in pen or pencil, I know its not real professional looking, but I do like alot of pencil work far more then when it is finished. Sometimes you loose something in the finishing or polishing process. I think I have been over thinking the sketch blog and not having as much fun with it as a I should. So that will change this weekend as soon as my entry piece is finished. So I am just appologizing for slacking on that. I am usually FAR better with multi-tasking then that. By the end of March my online store will be posted on here. Being that the products are still being made. I also don't have anyone willing to model. I dont wanna be the model myself. So I think poor ol' Stan has no choice. Stan Being my life size skeleton. If he is real popular...he may become more famous then kate moss...tho he is heavier then her. haha.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Conventions you can find me @

So I will be attending the following conventions. I will have an table at all three. Since I'm going to school in Cali, I cant do the New York Comic Con this time. I went to SDCC last year, So I'm on the waiting list for the next 4 years. To fill that void of time I will go to Conneticon instead. Their site isnt very impressive, But I hear from other artists who have gone to it that it is in fact quite good that the site doesn't do it justice. You can click on any of the images below and it will take you directly to their website.

In order of time

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Second Toy Design

Why not make a little space cat design. I hope to make a moon cat design after this.
what do you think vinyl or plush? Or both? I recieved alot of requests to make Zef'r a plush. I might do just that. If these little guys get popular enough who knows. Im working with Patch-togher now to see if I can make a bulk order of both of these guys and how much it will cost, If all goes well I will be selling them at the upcoming conventions. Anime Boston, Boston Comic Con, ConnetiCon. I wanted to go to San Diego comic con again this year, but sadly I have to much on my plate as is with the Webcomic. Topsy Turvy should make its debut Sept 2010 and it will be updated on time every month after that. Sorry for the delays. Busy Busy

Monday, February 22, 2010

For Chris Sanders

So if you dont already know who Chris Sanders is, he is the guy that did Lilo and Stitch, and started work on Bolt before they switched gears, NOW he is working on the awesomely hilarious looking How to Train your dragon. I am very excited about this movie. I laugh at all the commercials and I think the whole family is going to go see it. Anyway, Chris Sanders link is infact already on my page, to the right, The stars are or should be in Alphabetical order. I will post his Deviant Art link here

Anyway I Colored some line art of his. Im going to post the step by step of the technique. If not for anyone else but myself, I explored some new coloring tools and I want to be able to remember just what I did. It was alot of fun, I feel like I could be more daring with this because I know I get a little to rigid with my own work sometimes. I am to precious with my own characters.

Zef'r toy design

Zef'r seems to be a big hit at patchtogether.
alot of people want him in various poses and not only a vinyl but a plush as well. After the wonderful comments I received I am considering making him not only a Vinyl toy but a Plushie as well. Heres me on the front page of patch together. I'm going to try and see if I can order a bunch of his design from them and sell them at the con's. Sadly they will be a lil more expensive being Comic Con Exclusives. Sorry

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Im currently working on Sketch Cards, lots of fun fan art in my style for Anime Boston, Boston Comic Con, and possibly ConnectiCon. I heard good things about ConnectiCon so I think its worth checking out. It depends how much I still have on my plate around then. But I better make up my mind before the tables are all sold out.

ANYWAY, here is something I finally finished. I drew some Futurama Fan Art a LONG while ago and never got around to scanning it let alone coloring it. But I reopened the idea when i was going threw a HORRIBLE creative block. I figured the only way to break it was to just color something that was already done and hope for the best.
Im not going to post it on my Deviant Art just yet. I feel my page is really bare and the lay out does'nt really flatter my work or make people want to stay and look at my work. So Im going to make a few changes to that before the upload. Heres hoping. Css codes on here are ALOT easier then Css codes on DA.

Cute lil close up of Fry and Leila, I have another piece with just Kiff and Amie.

Space Cat progress

So for awhile now I have been working on my space cat line.
There has been some delays due to printing issues. Hopefully that will be resolved sooner more then later. Ideally I should have t-shirts, cell phone charms, metal lunch boxes, water bottles and stickers all ready to go for the up coming conventions in Boston and possibly Connecticut. Here are just some of screen shots of the very very early stages of space cat and moon cat. Mostly to show the colored line. Sorry the background color is so disgusting, its easier then using black or white or even grey depending on the colored line I use in the piece I dont want it to get lost in translation. So using a color that is hideous helps.

The fish caused several transparancy issues





The transparencies were easy to do else where like in the balloons and later on with the sushi picture as well as the steam from the ray gun. But for some reason the fish gave me alot of guff.

Design for Matt

This is the Design idea I did for Matt's never ending soda idea. He liked the design and redrew it later.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Coming Soon! wish me luck!

Im reworking my blog. so its going to be under construction for a while.

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.