Saturday, February 27, 2010

sketch blog?

I want to appologize for my sketch blog, I have'nt really treated it with alot of care. I have just been posting sketches that were on my computer from a LONG time ago. I've been concentrating more on my product designs and Convention work, as well as some contest entries. I am also not really enjoying the colored sketches in the sketch blog personally. The sketch blog is really just to keep me from getting rusty, and to post sketches, doodles, or anything I dont plan to take further or will address later on. I colored my posts so far. But I dont really like the way they have been coming out. So I believe from now on it will just be my normal sketchbook sketchs which are yes, in pen or pencil, I know its not real professional looking, but I do like alot of pencil work far more then when it is finished. Sometimes you loose something in the finishing or polishing process. I think I have been over thinking the sketch blog and not having as much fun with it as a I should. So that will change this weekend as soon as my entry piece is finished. So I am just appologizing for slacking on that. I am usually FAR better with multi-tasking then that. By the end of March my online store will be posted on here. Being that the products are still being made. I also don't have anyone willing to model. I dont wanna be the model myself. So I think poor ol' Stan has no choice. Stan Being my life size skeleton. If he is real popular...he may become more famous then kate moss...tho he is heavier then her. haha.


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