Monday, February 22, 2010

For Chris Sanders

So if you dont already know who Chris Sanders is, he is the guy that did Lilo and Stitch, and started work on Bolt before they switched gears, NOW he is working on the awesomely hilarious looking How to Train your dragon. I am very excited about this movie. I laugh at all the commercials and I think the whole family is going to go see it. Anyway, Chris Sanders link is infact already on my page, to the right, The stars are or should be in Alphabetical order. I will post his Deviant Art link here

Anyway I Colored some line art of his. Im going to post the step by step of the technique. If not for anyone else but myself, I explored some new coloring tools and I want to be able to remember just what I did. It was alot of fun, I feel like I could be more daring with this because I know I get a little to rigid with my own work sometimes. I am to precious with my own characters.


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