Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Backed up

So I'm back from ConnectiCon.
It was my first time at that convention. It was my second time selling at a Con. The first time was Boston Comic Con. Everything there sold in the first hour. So ConnectiCon sales were slow but still paid off in the end.

between my outsource work in Cali, freelance work, trying to get my online store up and running, trying to stock my studio stores inventory as well as getting stuff ready for the next conventions, doing space cat animations, my webcomic and normal wear and tare. I've decided to cut a project.

I am ax-ing my webcomic. I am still going to be doing my Ranting section on Clockwork Island. But I am considering just posting space cat animations or 1 image illustrations or even 3 panel comics of space cat there instead. Alot like how Owl Factory works.
I realized I have far far to many things going on and if I want to really give my work my full attention I can't over load myself with this much.

I did also make a few exceptions recently. I did do one art trade, and several commissions for people. But they were the exception not the rule. So when I post them to DA it does'nt mean anything is opening up. When it does I will notify you. Odds are commissions won't open up on DA back until, probebly November depending on how much more Concept art I need to do for LA Games.

I am however taking suggestions. Since posters/prints actually did really well at the convention..100 prints down to 26 surprised the hell out of me. So I am going to be doing some more posters/prints for the next conventions. I am just debating now on what subject matter or characters I should go with. So any suggestions are open. I will be stocking my sketch card books like crazy for the next conventions. I am bummed I did'nt have any ready for CTCon.

Also slowing down the online store is the fact that my camera seems to be on the fritz. Well..the batter specifically so I'm going to talk to the camera guy tomorrow. I also really need to update this site so bad its painful.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

If you Commissioned me, read this!

If someone who went to ConnectiCon this weekend, and commissioned me on Saturday but did not receive their piece on Sunday. You can still get it. First I would like to appologize, I seemed to have gotton food poisoning sometime Saturday night, and laid awake dying on my bathroom floor. So I did'nt get to my booth until VERY VERY late in the day. I did have a wonderful good simaritan help me by sheer chance help me with all of it.

Now as for the Commissions you did not receive, I found LOTS of notes on my table with peoples cell phone numbers and emails. I already callled and contacted those people, if you are one of the people who did not leave an information, and hopefully kept my business card and are READING THIS NOW, then this is news for you, if you email me your home address, I can send you your piece with 2 options to make up for what happened. You can either a. have it framed by me, or b. have it done digitally. I am a very loyal artist, if people pay me for a job, I plan to do it, I don't half ass things like that. Infact there was on commission I especially LOVED, that I would like to digitize, I did not get any of her information, the commission was of Song and Zuko. It came out better then I expected.
So anyone if you who did have commissions done, feel robbed or cheated in anyway, please contact me ASAP, and I will send you your piece, with once again, framed or digitized.

Also, I had some people come to me Saturday saying they would be back to purchase a Dragon Dance Poster. These people infact kept their word to my surprise. Today I found 2 notes from people who wanted to meet up to get a poster. One met me as I was taking down my table, and another met me in Starbucks, who was extremely nice and understanding.
If you too wanted to purchase the poster still, I will be putting them up for sale on my Online store. They were far more popular then I expected. Thank you all for visiting my table, thank you for any purchases you made, and thank you very much for ALL the wonderful compliments you gave. It was wonderful to here. When you live in your studio like a troll under the bridge, you don't get alot of feedback, other then Deviant art...which....is wonderful but not the same as people reactions to your work in person. It was great to see peoples faces light up or the "woah" factor. It made the...haha...it made all the bad events leading up to the con, or the ...rogue illness at the con...seem to ...wash a way. well, sort of..still a little green under the gills. So bed rest then a long as drive home.

Friday, July 9, 2010


So I'm currently away at ConnectiCon this weekend. If you are going to the con SEE YOU THERE!
I'm going to take lots of pictures!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aang and Zuko, Dragon Dance

So I had all the different nations symbols on their each individual structure that matched each nations architecture and so on, In the distance I had the da bad guys in silhouette, honest. After doing some other work, I came back to look at it with fresh eyes and realized it was WAY to much, it was cluttered, it really made me feel claustrophobic. I remember what Gan said in my chinese painting and calligraphy class, DONT KILL PAINTING! infact he would threaten you with it, as well as threatening to do push ups. =_= so...in fear of Gan exploding threw my walls to yell at me about how much I not only killed the piece but could classify it as OVER KILL.
wah la. simplicity.

BTW- THE MOVIE SUCKED AND I TOLD YOU SOOOOOO! I cant believe ppl even bothered to go see it. For shame. Ya know what you should do, go out and buy the whoooooole series and products that line the pockets of the AWESOME ppl that made the show, NOT m.knight shlamakldfjfd...la's Don't encourage him!

In progress

So my printer broke down the other day, Rob came over like a super hero and fixed it for me. It was a simple default setting glitch. Naturally something so easy. But in between getting all the t-shirts, and products ready for the Convention this weekend, I have admitibly been freaking out here and there. Alot of little things build up. So far my only relaxing "break" time event is working on this Last Airbender poster. Normally the entire piece would'nt take very long, But I am just doing it off and on from other work, it gives me a sense of escape from my own projects to work on well, someone else's i suppose. So here is my Zuko and Aang base.I know working on digital work seperately like this is probebly forbidden. However I was taught in painting classes, to treat the WHOLE picture, dont get invested in one area and not address the others. Which is what I am doing, By having them all seperately I have them all up on my screen in different windows and I rotate coloring them. Usually using simular color pallets to eachother. Especially the colors of the dragons and the characters. I did actually work very hard on the background this time. But I actually feel it doesnt add to anything. However I will be able to judge that better once the temples are complete. They were suprisingly fun to do. Normally I hate drawing architecture. I did simplify the buildings a bit, but the only thing I think is a benefit or a leg up is, I am more familiar with "asian" architecture then american. Or at least more comfortable with it. I certainly am going threw homeward bound withdrawls. My parents are currently in the phillippines and I plan to RUN not WALK RUN back overseas to an asian country sometime this fall or winter. I am very home sick for that area of the world. :c I don't dislike the US, its just not where I was raised as much. 2 places shall always be my home, ANYWHERE in asia, and the farmhouse we had in Winsconsin as a child. pretty vast huh?

I refused to give him curly toed shoes. lawl. I refrained from alot of fan girl urges drawing this as well. I stayed good and did'nt over sex-i-fy the characters or age them dramatically to a....non-...stachatory age. >_>

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unfinished Dragons

My art teacher in HS said, dragons are always cliche, and over done and can be found in any flea market. Hmm. I beg to differ. I don't even have enough space here to list all the awesome dragon related or influenced work there is out there right now. *cough* HTTYD *cough cough* hell, Brendan showed me those kick ass Ice worms from WOW. They are dragon's to the MAX!
Speaking of, Brendan AND dragons have you seen his f*ing portfolio! link
He rocks the dragon art. SO my old art teacher can take a big bite out of my *censored*

These are as listed Unfinished Dragons. SOON they will have amazing Highlights and Lowlights! it will make them pop. or explode. dont know yet. it will be a surprise


Toys Coming soon.
here is a quick preview of the prototypes of the toys.
Space Cat: his plastic dome is being made by a plastic injection molding company. Costume Embroidery, 10 inches tall soft.

Moon Cat comes with space suit and ray gun. 10 inches tall. Costume embroidery!Zef'r:costume embroidery, belts details, poseble ears, 12 inches tall. Partial proceeds go to Anti-Bully Awareness Campaign, includes "the art of Zef'r" Coloring book, original childhood art and story. Zef'rs chain, is also being made by a plastic injection molding company.

These are just templates, once more are made they too will be on the online store. Once online store is finally up, and enough toys are made they will go on pre-order discount possibly around end of July, mid-August.

Monday, July 5, 2010

What I'm doing now.

ConnectiCon is this weekend. So I am getting ready for that. I am currently printing lots and lots of shirts and totes. Its time consuming and very boring. In the meantime I am restocking my entire inventory of sketch cards. They all sold out last time and I didn't even have time to document them. That was a fail on my part. So hopefully I will have more then enough to sell at the Con in Connecticut, and I WILL document them this time. If I don't have enough ready I will have them for the next 900 million conventions I am going to this year. yay! I also will sell some online during the slow winter months. What I am also working on now is a PRINT, I have never done a print before, probebly because I don't think my prints would be worthy of sale. I am not being a downer, just realistic, I try not to make products or any sort that I would'nt pay money for myself.
BUT I am doing something I love! I would buy it only because its one of my all time happies!
I am doing an Avatar the Last Airbender Poster Print. SINCE M.Knight SHam-of-a-director KILLED the series with his SHITTY movie version. I will revive ppl's love of the show and how f-ing amazing it is!...with a print to remind them. The animated series had everything and much much more then you could ever ask for. So here are a few of the doodles I did so far.
I am hoping the more conventions I go to the more I will get used to it. I definately have major freak outs the last week JUST before the convention. I don't know why or what causes it. Its strange I freak out over the tiniest of things, but if the house is on fire or someone broke their leg I am as calm as can be and handle it with ease. I wish it would switch just this once -_-

GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.