Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Backed up

So I'm back from ConnectiCon.
It was my first time at that convention. It was my second time selling at a Con. The first time was Boston Comic Con. Everything there sold in the first hour. So ConnectiCon sales were slow but still paid off in the end.

between my outsource work in Cali, freelance work, trying to get my online store up and running, trying to stock my studio stores inventory as well as getting stuff ready for the next conventions, doing space cat animations, my webcomic and normal wear and tare. I've decided to cut a project.

I am ax-ing my webcomic. I am still going to be doing my Ranting section on Clockwork Island. But I am considering just posting space cat animations or 1 image illustrations or even 3 panel comics of space cat there instead. Alot like how Owl Factory works.
I realized I have far far to many things going on and if I want to really give my work my full attention I can't over load myself with this much.

I did also make a few exceptions recently. I did do one art trade, and several commissions for people. But they were the exception not the rule. So when I post them to DA it does'nt mean anything is opening up. When it does I will notify you. Odds are commissions won't open up on DA back until, probebly November depending on how much more Concept art I need to do for LA Games.

I am however taking suggestions. Since posters/prints actually did really well at the convention..100 prints down to 26 surprised the hell out of me. So I am going to be doing some more posters/prints for the next conventions. I am just debating now on what subject matter or characters I should go with. So any suggestions are open. I will be stocking my sketch card books like crazy for the next conventions. I am bummed I did'nt have any ready for CTCon.

Also slowing down the online store is the fact that my camera seems to be on the fritz. Well..the batter specifically so I'm going to talk to the camera guy tomorrow. I also really need to update this site so bad its painful.


Anonymous said...

How much do you sell your posters for?

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwww you included me in your Illustrators in Arms sections! THANK YOUUU! You are so sweet Megan!

I plan on doing similar once I get a website going. I wish I had like ONE WHOLE WEEK off from work to just sit and do it!

M.C. Walker said...

My posters are about 18X24 and they are laminated like a real poster.
I sold them at the con ranging from 35.oo bucks.
Dani and Brendan have one and they are putting it in their new appartment i feel so honored.

aww kt you DO not have to thank me for putting you under my illustrators in arms. of course i included u. your part of the old illo crew no matter what. we all know who was and who wasnt part of that click :D

i know what you mean i wish i could control time. god. it would make so many things easier cuz you could just get it ALL done and then you would have to always play catch up. so i know what you mean it bites.
well if you change your website, or blog just tell me so i can change the link for you n_n

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