Monday, July 5, 2010

What I'm doing now.

ConnectiCon is this weekend. So I am getting ready for that. I am currently printing lots and lots of shirts and totes. Its time consuming and very boring. In the meantime I am restocking my entire inventory of sketch cards. They all sold out last time and I didn't even have time to document them. That was a fail on my part. So hopefully I will have more then enough to sell at the Con in Connecticut, and I WILL document them this time. If I don't have enough ready I will have them for the next 900 million conventions I am going to this year. yay! I also will sell some online during the slow winter months. What I am also working on now is a PRINT, I have never done a print before, probebly because I don't think my prints would be worthy of sale. I am not being a downer, just realistic, I try not to make products or any sort that I would'nt pay money for myself.
BUT I am doing something I love! I would buy it only because its one of my all time happies!
I am doing an Avatar the Last Airbender Poster Print. SINCE M.Knight SHam-of-a-director KILLED the series with his SHITTY movie version. I will revive ppl's love of the show and how f-ing amazing it is!...with a print to remind them. The animated series had everything and much much more then you could ever ask for. So here are a few of the doodles I did so far.
I am hoping the more conventions I go to the more I will get used to it. I definately have major freak outs the last week JUST before the convention. I don't know why or what causes it. Its strange I freak out over the tiniest of things, but if the house is on fire or someone broke their leg I am as calm as can be and handle it with ease. I wish it would switch just this once -_-


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