Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unfinished Dragons

My art teacher in HS said, dragons are always cliche, and over done and can be found in any flea market. Hmm. I beg to differ. I don't even have enough space here to list all the awesome dragon related or influenced work there is out there right now. *cough* HTTYD *cough cough* hell, Brendan showed me those kick ass Ice worms from WOW. They are dragon's to the MAX!
Speaking of, Brendan AND dragons have you seen his f*ing portfolio! link
He rocks the dragon art. SO my old art teacher can take a big bite out of my *censored*

These are as listed Unfinished Dragons. SOON they will have amazing Highlights and Lowlights! it will make them pop. or explode. dont know yet. it will be a surprise


Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site www.blogger.com
Is this possible?

M.C. Walker said...

exchange links? meaning you want to switch domain names? or you would like to be just exchange our URL's with eachother? do you want to be listed on my blog? or annomyously. sorry im a little unclear on what your asking but im pretty open minded.

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