Sunday, July 11, 2010

If you Commissioned me, read this!

If someone who went to ConnectiCon this weekend, and commissioned me on Saturday but did not receive their piece on Sunday. You can still get it. First I would like to appologize, I seemed to have gotton food poisoning sometime Saturday night, and laid awake dying on my bathroom floor. So I did'nt get to my booth until VERY VERY late in the day. I did have a wonderful good simaritan help me by sheer chance help me with all of it.

Now as for the Commissions you did not receive, I found LOTS of notes on my table with peoples cell phone numbers and emails. I already callled and contacted those people, if you are one of the people who did not leave an information, and hopefully kept my business card and are READING THIS NOW, then this is news for you, if you email me your home address, I can send you your piece with 2 options to make up for what happened. You can either a. have it framed by me, or b. have it done digitally. I am a very loyal artist, if people pay me for a job, I plan to do it, I don't half ass things like that. Infact there was on commission I especially LOVED, that I would like to digitize, I did not get any of her information, the commission was of Song and Zuko. It came out better then I expected.
So anyone if you who did have commissions done, feel robbed or cheated in anyway, please contact me ASAP, and I will send you your piece, with once again, framed or digitized.

Also, I had some people come to me Saturday saying they would be back to purchase a Dragon Dance Poster. These people infact kept their word to my surprise. Today I found 2 notes from people who wanted to meet up to get a poster. One met me as I was taking down my table, and another met me in Starbucks, who was extremely nice and understanding.
If you too wanted to purchase the poster still, I will be putting them up for sale on my Online store. They were far more popular then I expected. Thank you all for visiting my table, thank you for any purchases you made, and thank you very much for ALL the wonderful compliments you gave. It was wonderful to here. When you live in your studio like a troll under the bridge, you don't get alot of feedback, other then Deviant wonderful but not the same as people reactions to your work in person. It was great to see peoples faces light up or the "woah" factor. It made made all the bad events leading up to the con, or the ...rogue illness at the con...seem to ...wash a way. well, sort of..still a little green under the gills. So bed rest then a long as drive home.


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.