Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In progress

So my printer broke down the other day, Rob came over like a super hero and fixed it for me. It was a simple default setting glitch. Naturally something so easy. But in between getting all the t-shirts, and products ready for the Convention this weekend, I have admitibly been freaking out here and there. Alot of little things build up. So far my only relaxing "break" time event is working on this Last Airbender poster. Normally the entire piece would'nt take very long, But I am just doing it off and on from other work, it gives me a sense of escape from my own projects to work on well, someone else's i suppose. So here is my Zuko and Aang base.I know working on digital work seperately like this is probebly forbidden. However I was taught in painting classes, to treat the WHOLE picture, dont get invested in one area and not address the others. Which is what I am doing, By having them all seperately I have them all up on my screen in different windows and I rotate coloring them. Usually using simular color pallets to eachother. Especially the colors of the dragons and the characters. I did actually work very hard on the background this time. But I actually feel it doesnt add to anything. However I will be able to judge that better once the temples are complete. They were suprisingly fun to do. Normally I hate drawing architecture. I did simplify the buildings a bit, but the only thing I think is a benefit or a leg up is, I am more familiar with "asian" architecture then american. Or at least more comfortable with it. I certainly am going threw homeward bound withdrawls. My parents are currently in the phillippines and I plan to RUN not WALK RUN back overseas to an asian country sometime this fall or winter. I am very home sick for that area of the world. :c I don't dislike the US, its just not where I was raised as much. 2 places shall always be my home, ANYWHERE in asia, and the farmhouse we had in Winsconsin as a child. pretty vast huh?

I refused to give him curly toed shoes. lawl. I refrained from alot of fan girl urges drawing this as well. I stayed good and did'nt over sex-i-fy the characters or age them dramatically to a....non-...stachatory age. >_>


GraveYard Shift Studios is a licensed L.L.C. and has full copyright.